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Re: The new Rinya thread

From:taliesin the storyteller <taliesin@...>
Date:Thursday, October 12, 2000, 11:44
* Daniel Andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...> [001011 21:00]:
> Tal skrev: > > > *sniff* But... you haven't completely stopped working on > > Rinya have you? Start a new thread to answer it 'kay? > > Okej, here's the new thread. > > No, I haven't stopped working on Rinya. It's just that I really > should do other things, and Rinya has been my language project > for so long that when I want to make up something new in it, I > think about it for to long. I wouldn't want to make Rinya into > something I don't like. Stupid thought, I know.
Heh, been there... just hang on to it.
> As for now, I'm thinking of stealing large portions of the > Central and Eastern Pomo active system. Or at least that's > where I'd mostly get the ideas from.
Pomo? Why do I associate that with Italian? How is that system then?
> Another thing is that I've reworked the phonology (which is > in a constant state of flux). This makes it hard to come up > with examples since I have to invent new words everytime, or at > least transform the old ones into the new phonology.
If you have so few words as you claim, I'm sure you can list all of them :) As for phonology; is it the actual sound-rules or the orthography that is the problem? I've changed the orthography, oh, at least four or five times since 1997, but the underlying phonology haven't changed that much. t.