> > The youngest conlanger known to our community is, I think, about
> > 4. Her work _was_ part of a website somewhere, but I've misplaced
> > the url. It was, perhaps, a year ago that she was first mentioned
> > here; but I don't think anything has been divulged since.
> That would be my grandniece, Delaney Bell. See
> She started at 6 actually.
Ours were younger (3 and almost 5) but they didn't record much, and I
only recorded meanings, not actual words. They did reproduce their
own makings accurately after a few days, so I'm sure it was real
conlanging, not making up things on the spot.
They're writing things down now, but in their own scripts which
nobody can read!
Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastynay.
irina@valdyas.org (myself)