Wesley Parrish wrote:
> I've got my grubby little hands on a copy of Teach Yourself Latvian!
> old, original series printed and published in the UK.)
Congrats! That's a great book. One of the best old TY's that they
freakishly and mysteriously just decided to stop reprinting one day
(another one being TY Old English).
> First book on the Baltic languages I've ever owned. ;)
> Largely because Lithuanian and Latvian (and Old Prussian) have
> some of the most archaic features in modern European languages,
> and that should nicely counterpoint the Sanskrit I also intend
> learning soon.
The Baltic langs are facinating (I don't actually know any, but I've
wanted to learn Latvian for ages -- I love how it looks, with all those
macrons!). Lithuanian is by far the more conservative, though, so if
you're into archaic I-E, you seriously need to get yourself a book on
Lithuanian. It will blow your mind. ;-)
veritosproject wrote:
> And..._why_, oh _why_, are you trying to learn Latvian?
Why _wouldn't_ anybody want to learn Latvian?! :-)