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Re: Europeans in North America

Date:Saturday, April 8, 2000, 0:00
Dont't forget the Welsh!  Price Madoc ab Owain is supposed to have crossed
over in the 1100s, and there are stories of fair-skinned Welsh-speaking
Indian tribes encountered by later Europeans.

eli .
gone to croatan
<- Original Text ->

If is likely that the Spanish were not the first to the Americas.

There was the Norse, but they did not settle for long, atleast in
Vinland, and cause of a mini-Iceage they did not last in Greenland,
likely mixed in with the local Inuit peoples.

There is some possibles that Basque fisherman had landed on the East
Coast, but they just did not have the resources to do more than be

Also there is some possibles that the Chinese may have visited sometime
c.1500 or so, but they did not last. I do find that the Japanese never
visited Alaska and down the coast, the Japanese Current is much more
condusive for a visit, and they did have an expansion period, but it
went the same way the Chinese did..

There is some who say some Irish landed, but not sure, the Irish had
colonies of a sorts in Iceland, but they were monastic and were
absorbed/wiped out by the Norxe..

Also there is some mysteries to how a person got to southern South
America about the same time the Bering Land Bridge was available, likely
there was another route to the americams from where? Polynesia? or Some
African route? I know much work needs to be done on the Sub-Sahara
civilizations such as Timbuktu and like..

Of course with the finding that much of the Tin for Sumerian bronze came
from SE Asia and not Cornwall is interesting as well. Wierd how people
and trade gets around..


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