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Re: Spelling pronunciations (was: rhotic miscellany)

From:Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 10, 2004, 5:52
From:    Muke Tever <hotblack@...>
Tristan Mc Leay <conlang@...> wrote:
> > ISTR some American dialects also have /wVt/ for 'what'. > > I think that's _most_ American dialects. Er, what vowel do your people > put in it?
Do you really speak a dialect of American English that contrasts /V/ with /@/? My dialect certainly doesn't make such a contrast. (My dialect also allows for a voiceless glide at the beginning.) ========================================================================= Thomas Wier "I find it useful to meet my subjects personally, Dept. of Linguistics because our secret police don't get it right University of Chicago half the time." -- octogenarian Sheikh Zayed of 1010 E. 59th Street Abu Dhabi, to a French reporter. Chicago, IL 60637


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Muke Tever <hotblack@...>