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Re: T-shirt submissions

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Saturday, October 7, 2000, 0:32
So are we supposed to give interlinear analyses of our sentence?
Won't just a smooth translation do?  Is all that going to go on
the T-shirt?

Nicole, I sent you scanned text in an attachment and the text of
the Teonaht and its translation.  So the deadline is today?
Please let me know you got the attachment okay.

        !uol     kalalya      hadhaf.   [no tilde over "o"]
     a certain   language     make IMP
                                        Teonaht, Sally Caves.

Is that enough?

Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> > Hi! > > I finally managed to make some translations just before the dead line. I still > can do two others for my languages O and Chasmäöcho, but I won't be able to send > them before tomorrow. I hope you don't mind Nicole. So here is the T-shirt > sentence translated in three of my languages:
Voluminous material about the details of Christophe's three languages snipped-- I can't imagine all that was requisite for getting "Invent a language" on the t-shirt, surely? ========================================================== "The gods have retractible claws." from _The Gospel of Bastet_ ============================================================