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Re: Hallelujah! Let me introduce myself.

From:Jeffrey Henning <jeffrey@...>
Date:Friday, October 1, 2004, 2:15
On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 12:48:49 -0700, Charlie Brickner
<caeruleancentaur@...> wrote:

>I am a 63-year-old Catholic priest and the pastor of 3 small parishes >in the Blue Ridge Mtns. of VA.
Welcome, Father! I'm a 36-year-old Congregational COO of a small software company in the Blue Hills of MA. Hey, didn't _priest_ originally mean "old man"? ;-)
>More recently, say the last dozen years or so, I have become >infatuated with Proto-Indo-European, the language & the culture.
One of my favorite IE-inspired conlangs is Degaspregos: (The original site is down for renovations.)
>After reading Tolkien & so many others, I decided to have a go at my >own conlang.
Given your interest in theology, I'd check out these books (if you haven't already)... Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World by Verlyn Flieger Following Gandalf: Epic Battles and Moral Victory in The Lord of the Rings* Best regards, Jeffrey


Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>