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Re: Trigger systems

From:takatunu <takatunu@...>
Date:Saturday, December 20, 2003, 7:53
Robert Jung <RobertMJung@...> wrote for Pablo Flores
In a language using a trigger system, it's not useful to talk about = subject, object, etc., and word order may greatly vary. In Tagalog, the = predicate (the nominalized verb) is the first word in the sentence, and the trigger is = last. Other languages might be different. It's equally useless to talk = of transitive or intransitive verbs, or of voice (active, passive, middle). <<<< It till strikes me that all so-called "verbs" in this thread are really "substantifs" quoting in English "the one ----ing/ed/ee" in two possible arrangements, namely "There's X's Y" and "Z is X's Y." Can you use these "verbs" as plain nouns? If so, would the nouns mean (i) "the one --ing/ed/ee" or (ii) "the fact of --ing/ed/ee"? If (i) it's an attributive system, if (ii) it's an active (verbal) system.


Tim May <butsuri@...>