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need a font

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Thursday, October 14, 1999, 19:15

Is there anyone ready, willing and able to modify a font for me? I need an
iso-8859-3 (soyuthern european) variant of "MS Comic Sans" (or similar)
created. I can get the necessary glyphs turned into gifs, I just need
someone to do the actual fontification. At a bare minimum, I need a total of
8 characters modified.

In terms of legality, I believe it is safe. It is certainly no worse than
what the guys over at have done - they
have done a similar thing to 6 other fonts owned by MS.

Jkun li dik il-kitba tpatti it-tieba ta' qalb ta' patruni tieghi.
Jkun li jtaffi ugigh tal-Mitlufin u tal-Indannati.
Jkun li ilkoll li jaqraw il-kitba, qalbhom ihobbu is-Sewwa u l-Unur.
U b'dak l'ghamil, nithallas tax-xoghol iebes.