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Re: Weekly Vocab 6

From:Jake X <starvingpoet@...>
Date:Monday, May 5, 2003, 0:19
> 1. to know > I know how to wield a sword.
I can't think of a way to say this with any form of to know. The sentence above would be translated with 'sal,' an adverb which basically functions like 'can': Sal en cgi goas. ably I.fem [to use] the.masc.specific sword The verb is implied.
> 2. contents > I know the contents of that letter.
No one noun, once again: En bocib tdea ym cg tddatd. I know what in the letter. Dialectically, one might say: Bocib tdym cg tddatd. Know what-in the letter. So, in that case, I guess tdym could be called contents, though it doesn't function as a noun.
> 3. might > The army's might is not to be mocked, because the four of them can throw > you in the dungeon.
piddes - strength: Ot cg' ganmciat atddoact, sal scod dol sgoatda ednma ebym glat. if/not ridicule-imperitive the strength genitive-army, ably four the throw.masc you.fem.inverse dative-in hole. If you ridicule the might of the army, the four of them can throw you into a hole.
> 4. murder > They did that to me, saying I murdered someone.
Murder is not a crime to the Mocteno... let's see... I'll just translate it with kill... best I can do. Col-ga gonma ebem. Sacatdec: am cgepec cidea. They.fem-past [did] such dative-me.masc . say.fem-past: I.masc.inv kill-past someone.
> 5. to release > They released me because the judge is my uncle.
bednma ebast- to put out Col bedanmec em ebast, sag cuadtddan ci esc oncel.* *I haven't developed familial words yet, because I know they will be a different system, and I haven't thought enough about it. This is just a transliteration of the word uncle. It's getting late. I don't have time for interlinears. Sorry.
> 6. feud > Now there is a feud between my family and the army.
ci obddil - disagreement without violence Acgy ci obddil, ba ag stecty ba cg tddoact.
> 7. sheep > They raid our sheep in the night.
No sheep in my conworld. Oh well. I guess I am really out of time. I have to stop at #7. :( Jake