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Re: Whiteness?

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 5, 2000, 6:23
>But how is that bad English? >(a) All these words have been assimilated as English words, not Spanish. >(b) The only American dialect that has a pure vowel [o] is that of >Minnesota >and the Great Lakes region, and those people are made fun of for it. > >I can almost guarantee you that most of the people you hear will use >/ou/ or something like it. Hence: it's not bad English.
I _never_ said it was bad English. I'm speaking of people in Spanish class who pronounce things with an American "valley/californian" accent when they know how to pronounce things "correctly" in Spanish. I dont mean in normal conversation in English. (it's excused AFAIC. When i'm not trying to speak Spanish, i say Spanish words the way I say other words in English) _____________________________________ "Courtesy is the KY Jelly of social intercourse"