> > Yes, other orders are valid. Why not an old, stupid, white, black
> > hunting dog? The problem with the specific adjectives you chose is
> > that there's a fixed expression "stupid old", or "stupid ol'", so it
> > will inevitably sound like they go together, and there's also a
> > expression "black-and-white", so it will feel like black should
> > come before white.
> But even "Black and white stupid old hunting dog" doesn't sound
> to me. That would seem to me to be emphasizing the color.
This topic is covered in some detail in various TEFL web sites.
"Yes that is one of the things that makes me convinced you are British;
bacon, sausage and tomato sauce. Only the British call that cuisine. You
have a wonderful history, fantastic traditions and the total lack of
taste as far as food goes"