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[YAEPT] Question about consonants in English

From:David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Date:Saturday, December 15, 2007, 0:14
Luckily, in English we don't have to rely purely on voice to�tell us that a consonant
is voiced. The best thing you can do�is learn to control vowel
length:��"bet" [bEt]�"bed" [bE:d]��So let's say you can't do [d] at
the end of a word. Given a choice�between...��(1) [bEt]�(2)
[bE:t]�� English speaker will hear the second as "bed". In fact,
this�may be going out on a limb a bit, but I'd wager that a native�English
speaker would find [bE:t] a more natural pronunciation�of "bed" than
eleSkarez ygralleryf ydZZixelje je ox2mejze."�"No eternal reward will forgive
us now for wasting the dawn."��-Jim
Morrison����On Dec 14, 2007, at 3∞48 PM,
Geijss Streijde wrote:��> Hello people,�>�> Thank you for taking your
time to read this message.�>�> As English is my L2, I have a tiny issue
with the pronouncation of it�> and was wondering if you had any pointers on
how to correct my�> pronouncation.�>�> The problem is that in my L1 it is
impossible for a word to end in a�> voiced consonant, as such I find it
impossible to do this in other�> languages.�>�> An example I can give is
the following. The word 'Bed' I pronounce�> naturally as [b3t], and if I try
really hard to voice the /d/ it comes�> out as [b3.d@] or [b3d.d@].�>�> I
was wondering if you had any tips for me to improve my pronouncation�> of
English, or if I just should keep using the [@] at the end of the�>
words.�>�> I look forward to your replies.�>�> Yours,�>�> Geijss