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Re: Data and Musings...

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Monday, October 1, 2001, 19:29
David Petersonw wrote:
>In a message dated 9/30/01 3:45:32 AM, and_yo@HOTMAIL.COM writes: > ><< Someone PAID you for making a conlang? Please tell us more - I can >always >use some extra cash! ;-) > >Seriously, I'd very much like to know why and in what circumstances someone >paid someone you for constructing a language. Working for next Star Trek >movie or what? >> > > Someone was creating a personal role playing game for himself and his >friends. I created a grammar and a method for creating more words (I only >created about 100 words), including derivational morphology, simplified >explanations on exactly how it should be used, and whatnot. You'd be >surprised how many create role playing games that they don't intend to take >to publishers and who would like languages for certain races/species but >who >have no interest in actually learning anything about linguistics.
I'm not surprised about the RPG making bit - have made two myself, and have a dozen of sketches lying around in my head, some of who've even managed to attach themselves to various bits of noting paper. But if I knew squat of linguistics, I'd presumeably simply create codes for English for any langs I felt I needed (Incidentally, despite being a conlanger, I've never really combined conlanging and RPGs - mostly out of the feeling that other RPGers wouldn't appreciate it to it full worth. And, really, how practical is it to actually _use_ a conlang in RPGing?). So I'm still somewhat surprised someone actually was prepared to pay for it. I guess he didn't exactly pay you royal salary? Andreas _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at