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Re: Self-Use of Ethnic Insults (was: Re: Ebonic Christmas )

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Sunday, January 16, 2000, 23:41
Am 01/15 23:49  Steg Belsky yscrifef:

> You get people's attention better that way. Someone might have noticed > that in my posts on Jûdajca i switched constantly back and forth between > "Jews" and "Judeans" - the second noun, like "Swedes" or "Buddhists", is > completely value-neutral. >
The New Testament Scholar John Dominic Crossan visited last year and noted that he would prefer to use the word Judean in translation in first century context but resists it on the ground that modern readers would unintentionally think that he is using it as a PC term for Jew. A frustration for translators I suspect. One thing that puzzles me is why English has never derived the agent noun *Judaist from Judaism. I think the distinction could be useful. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus "Piskie, Piskie, say Amen Doon on your knees and up agen." "Presbie, Presbie, dinna bend; Sit ye doon on mon's chief end." - Attributions unknown.