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Re: Results of Poll by Email No. 24

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 5, 2003, 21:12
Stephen Mulraney wrote at 2003-03-03 12:28:45 (+0000)
 > Peter Clark wrote:
 >  > A thousand apologies. It's an occupational hazard, especially
 >  > when people don't sign their emails. Of course, you're in good
 >  > company; H. S. Teoh has been (repeatedly) accused of being
 >  > female... Of course, there's also the saying, "On the Internet,
 >  > no one knows you're a dog."  It would not surprise me (much) to
 >  > learn of canine conlangers, although I would wonder about their
 >  > keyboarding skills.
 > I've gotten quite used to switching my mental image of online
 > people from male to female, or vice versa [though not from human to
 > canine], whenever a clue as to gender arises. But I honestly was
 > convinced that I'd come across a strong "H. S. Teoh is female"
 > clue. Very odd. I wonder what it was. I usually assume that
 > indeterminately-gendered names belong to males (unfair, but
 > appropriate in this, as in many, online fora), unless there is some
 > evidence to the contrary. Sorry, Teoh :)

I definitely remember some specific post referring to Teoh by a
feminine pronoun in the past few months, which sent me looking for
some kind of corroboration or contradiction.  I couldn't find anything
until I read the LaTeX-for-Conlangers archives some weeks later.  Most
disconcerting.  Searching the archives, I believe the post in question
was this one:

by Christophe.


Joe <joe@...>