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Re: LeGuin (was: a 12th century conlang)

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Saturday, March 27, 1999, 3:35
On Fri, 26 Mar 1999 05:22:22 GMT, Herman Miller <hmiller@...> wrote:

>It looks as if, with the exception of the first category, Jarrda is the >best choice. I'll see what I can come up with when I have the time.
Okay, here's my Jarrda list of 20 or more words in each category. You = might wonder why a list of animals is included in the category of "angels, saints, and demons", but this seemed like the most appropriate place to = put them, given the Jarrda-speakers' reverence toward animals (and these = kinds in particular). Although I haven't yet written any Jarrda myths, I figure that they probably would feature characters like Mouse and Bat in the = roles of legendary beings. No new roots were needed to make this list, although a number of new compounds were coined, especially in the "disease" section. I don't think I'd be able to make a list like this for any of my other languages, = though; although many of them have more than 200 words, few of them have 200 = words in these particular categories. 1. God, gods, angels, saints, and demons. lhoneo: any holy or sacred being zig: deity, god or godlike being yukh: divine creator of the universe yag: a non-contingent being, first cause ghoakh: the greatest conceivable being byal: angel peashbyal: demon, evil angel citzivad: dragon zam: fairy jundi: butterfly jaz: beetle caljaz: firefly zispi: grasshopper stealka: spider viksa: viper numo: owl trril: wren tig: mouse citra: bat mishka: weasel 2. Human family relationships. nim: family suelnim: nuclear family kaznim: chain-family trobnim: ring-family woamnim: web-family yognim: wheel-family, harem suel: married couple fin: husband or wife teal: father veal: mother zarrtad: grandfather zarrvav: grandmother gheazh: baby krrel: daughter rog: son zarrprrum: grandchild zharr: brother or sister prral: aunt or uncle twizh: cousin zharrprrum: niece, nephew 3. The parts of the body. lar: head flez: hair real: face yaz: ear shri: eye stav: eyebrow vaz: nose jul: mouth shagh: tongue cikh: tooth tlug: neck nog: throat tuev: shoulder lir: arm kir: hand zeul: finger lhan: back deov: chest mod: heart vyar: belly, abdomen nin: leg sko: knee zib: skin zean: bone 4. Diseases of the body. vlimay: disease bronnon: health dregis: injury rrozvizdregis: stroke, apoplexy modlheagis: heart attack yagh: pain cikhyagh: toothache nogyagh: sore throat dwiyagh: stomach-ache khruyagh: cramps gholhzib: rash tralzib: jaundice bueg: fever tashidbueg: malaria dazvamad: insomnia meamwelh: diabetes peanghrrig: diarrhea zujeul: parasite zhugh: virus fyeg: flu, cold 5. Names relating to Church or Religion leg: religion bal: religious faith wurr: soul, spirit tov: ghost, apparition dom: revelation zarrvav: religious leader (e.g., the Pope) vlam: magic, sorcery mer: chant spal: ritual spaltraz: ceremonial tea smezh: holiday waday: prayer dazvez: dream khrrad: miracle zheav: mask lhonrem: temple, shrine bareol: disciple, believer balneol: infidel, agnostic rravay: death lig: superstition 6. Names relating to Secular Hierarchies, the parts of Government fod: government gheughoel: government agency or bureau poeski: political party krin: nation, country, state krinzyan: head of state cad: state, province, etc. (subdivision of krin) cadzyan: governor cadyel: county, etc. (subdivision of cad) dhol: city zhoen: town, village zhoenzyan: mayor kridhal: diplomat dhabeol: delegate, representative gheujagsiceol: legislator rroem: court, judicial system lumeol: judge gheukhareol: police skeag: army slandeomeol: tax collector ginjaghyubeol: spy 7. The parts of trade and human craft. luel: profession zulad: business zureol: merchant zulrem: market (place) bur: money, finance khor: bill, invoice wid: contract khoaktiyad: insurance tyugh: company, corporation doan: team rrumeol: director, supervisor cir'rem: factory puel: shop, store puelbeurad: shopping center lead: bank kheb: motor vehicle rokh: boat, ship tyurbeal: airplane zalkheb: hovercraft yeazyos: railroad 8. Days, months, seasons of the year, hours, minutes. relhked: calendar laz: year dlozh: month kyuldlozh: December 22 - January 18 mravnadlozh: January 19 - February 15 vlarrdlozh: February 16 - March 15 or 14 (in leap years) thliladlozh: March 16 or 15 - April 12 or 11 tigdlozh: April 13 or 12 - May 10 or 9 rilkadlozh: May 11 or 10 - June 7 or 6 yalhkadlozh: June 8 or 7 - July 5 or 4 bintidlozh: July 6 or 5 - August 2 or 1 zivaddlozh: August 3 or 2 - August 30 or 29 jeandlozh: August 31 or 30 - September 27 or 26 narrdlozh: September 28 or 27 - October 25 or 24 citradlozh: October 26 or 25 - November 22 or 21 drrigdlozh: November 23 - December 21 mez: day of the week shel: winter shtar: spring juzh: summer zhan: fall mugh: morning thlom: night 9. The Quotidian things of life: clothing, houses, farming. rral: house maz: garden sren: fence ghash: door zeug: stairs weal: table rrish: chair rruen: basket cufe: box mig: umbrella klav: computer yog: wheel zhag: food zaci: cheese shar: pie norr: bread vlig: meat traz: tea meak: hat, cap, hood khir: shirt varrka: coat, jacket zirla: shoe 10. The parts of the Natural World. brin: island pan: mountain thluz: cave lhoezh: soil galki: forest khash: swamp, marsh ren: river figh: bay karr: ocean rran: sandy beach paz: rocky shore tis: ice tyur: sky shul: sun por: star cag: rock, stone zan: tree slog: bush, shrub zurr: flower khrin: animal neam: mammal tir: bird caka: reptile khrrol: turtle drrig: frog rin: fish znal: insect ruel: worm -- languages of Kolagia---> = +---<>--- Thryomanes /"If all Printers were determin'd not to print = any (Herman Miller) / thing till they were sure it would offend no = body, moc.oi @ rellimh <-/ there would be very little printed." -Ben = Franklin