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Re: Phonology and Morphology

From:Mr Veoler <veoler@...>
Date:Friday, December 21, 2007, 19:39
A question to the more knowledgeable on the list.

Imagine the following:

1. The syllable structure is always (C)V(V)(n/s/l)

That's phonotactics, AFAIK.

2. Plurality is marked with the prefix "ma":
   guni "person" > maguni "people"

That's morphology, AFAIK.

3a. The shape of verb roots is VCCV, and the shape of noun roots is CVCV.

3b. The shape of suffixes are always -VF, and the shape of prefixes CVF-

What's this? Morphology, or phonotactics? Or something else?

-- Veoler