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Re: happy new year!

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 14:30
On 1/3/07, Adam Walker <carrajena@...> wrote:
> Ah. That explains alot. That show was somewhat > lacking in popularity here. Small matter of getting > most everything about the city wrong.
Hey, at least they actually used the Dallas skyline in the zoom-in! I love movies (like, say, Robocop) that ostensibly take place in one city (Detroit) while not only being shot in another (Dallas) but also making unhesitating use of exterior shots that anyone who's ever been to either city will instantly recognize as being wrong for the setting. And then there's things like the episode of "West Wing" where some foreign nation is refusing to extradite a prisoner because the jurisdiction in which he would be tried over here - DeKalb County, GA - has capital punishment. So Leo and Josh fly down to Atlanta to meet with the DeKalb County Commissioner inside Atlanta's airport. Not only is the airport obviously not Hartsfield; not only do they consistently mispronounce DeKalb (it's /d@'k&:b/), but the Commissioner is a white Good Old Boy, while the real DeKalb county is an urban district just East of downtown Atlanta with an marked propensity for electing Black leadership. Good research, Sorkin. Okay, done ranting. :) -- Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>


Ph.D. <phil@...>