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Re: USAGE: Verbs and verb compounds

From:Ed Heil <edheil@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 15, 1999, 2:54
Charles wrote:

> OK, you win.
That is extremely gracious of you!
> Well, I tried ... Interrogatives (in English) involve all sorts of > weird "movement rules". Hmm, that's what you're doing up there. Hmm.
"Movement rules" only exist in theories which posit a separate deep structure, related via transformation to a surface structure. Many linguistic theories don't. But to return to your original point, it's a very fine line between adverbs and prepositions; indeed, one could call prepositions "adjectives/adverbs which govern an object," and when prepositions stand at the end of a sentence they start looking awfully adverbial! Ed Heil ------ --- ---