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D'Oh! (was: Re: Multilingual translation exercise, part 1)

From:Douglas Koller, Latin & French <latinfrench@...>
Date:Friday, June 21, 2002, 22:48
Roger Mills indulges in a little Schadenfreude with:

>Have you ever seen "Mots de Gousse Rhames" ? Published back in the early >70s or so.. unfortunately I never bought it. It's "Mother Goose Rhymes" >using French words/grammar to approximate the English (cf. the title). With >copious scholarly footnotes to explain the weirder locutions and the >mysterious author Gousse Rhames. (Offline at the moment; I'll check Amazon >later.)
Aargh! I've been carrying around "Un petit d'un petit, s'étonne aux Halles....(et al.)" (which I memorized in toto as a kid) in my head for *years*. I've asked and accosted native speakers since Junior High about what the hell it means and have gotten rien from personne except blank stares. I can die peacefully now, but it will only be because, grâce à Roger, I can beat my head mercilessly on an anvil about my own utter cluelessness. D'oh! D'oh! D'oh! Kou