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Re: THEORY: Xpositions in Ypositional languages {X,Y}={pre,post}

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Sunday, September 23, 2007, 11:20
Quoting "Dr. Peter E. Tarlow" <tourism@...>:

> Is this taken from Hebrew? I have placed the Hebrew equivalents in red.
No, it's not. As I said, it's "vaguely Semitic-inspired" - specifically it uses the Semitic roots MLK and BYT, but the actual forms were made up on the spot. Andreas
> >Quoting Jeff Rollin <jeff.rollin@...>: > > > >> What would a supra- or transposition look like, anyhoo? > > > > > >A supraposition would presumably look like David's tonal clitic. As for a > >transposition, a hypothetical case might go like this (vaguely > >Semitic-inspired): > > > >malak "king" melek > >melke "to the king" la'melek > >malak bayat "king of the house" melek ha'bayit > >malak beyte "to the king of the house" l'melek ha'bayit > > > I am using the K here as a gutteral, such as in the Scotish word "loch" > > > > > > >If any natlang does the equivalent, I shall be duly impressed. > > > -- > Dr. Peter Tarlow > 1218 Merry Oaks, > College Station, Texas, 77840-2609, USA. > Telephone: +1 (979) 764-8402. >