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Re: Words with built-in error correction

From:Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 0:20
On 12/5/05, Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...> wrote:
> Begin with a set of word templates which have only > consonants and places indicated for vowels, but no > specific vowels in them: > > B- D- F- G- H- J- K- L- M- ....
> When a new word is coined a template is selected and > whatever vowels you like are inserted. > T-LK-M-T- can become talkamata, or tolkimato, or > tulkometi, or any one of 625 different words with that > consonant pattern. > > Once the word is selected and added to the lexicon the > template is discarded, never to be used again. Thus > every core word in the lexicon has a unique consonant > pattern, and no matter how the pronunciation of the
A while ago I thought of a system for devising morphemes such that no two morphemes in the language would differ by only one phoneme. In other words, there would be no minimal pairs. I devised a script to generate word lists given a certain input of phoneme inventory, but never came up with a completely satisfying phoneme inventory to use with it. To make it maximally redundant, I tried to have every phoneme differ from every other by at least two distinctive features, which led to some interesting but not very euphonious phonologies. Such a system required an equal number of consonants and vowels to work best. For instance with 8 vowels and 8 consonants you can devise 64 CVC morphemes all of which differ from the other 63 by at least two phonemes. I don't recall exactly how many more you get when you go to CVCV or CVCVC morphemes. You can pick one series of 8 CVC morphemes and truncate the final vowel to get a group of CV morphemes that are just as redundant with the other 56. Here is the Perl script I wrote for this. # Generate redundant morphemes given a sequence of phoneme sets. # Resultant morpheme set will have no two morphemes which differ by # fewer than two phonemes. # first version will be specialized for sequence of three phonemes # later generalize it for four or more my $debug = 0; my $inputfile = shift; if ( ! $inputfile ) { die ( "Argument: input file with phoneme lists\n" ); } open (PHONEMES, $inputfile) || die ("Couldn't find $inputfile\n"); my @phoneme_sets; my $phoneme_set_idx = 0; my $phoneme_idx = 0; my $line; my $phoneme_set_count = -1; while (defined ( $line = <PHONEMES>) ) { chop ($line); if ( $line =~ /SLOT *([0-9]+)/ ) { $phoneme_set_count++; $phoneme_set_idx = 0; next; } if ($line !~ /^ *$/) { print "assigning $line to row $phoneme_set_count column $phoneme_set_idx\n" if $debug; $phoneme_sets[ $phoneme_set_count ][ $phoneme_set_idx ] = $line; $phoneme_set_idx++; } } if ( $phoneme_set_count != 2 ) { die ( "this version only supports 3-phoneme sequences" ); } # now generate real morphemes. # note this only works if we have 3 dimensions; needs extensive work to do 4 or 5 my $i = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0; my @dimension_size; for ( $i = 0; $i < scalar(@phoneme_sets); $i++ ) { my $slotref = $phoneme_sets[ $i ]; $dimension_size[ $i ] = scalar( @{$slotref} ); print "\$dimension_size\[ $i \] = " . $dimension_size[ $i ] . "\n" if $debug; } $i = 0, $j = 0, $k = 0, $iter = 0; my @morpheme_prism; my $finished = 0; while ( $finished == 0 ) { print "iteration " . ++$iter . " -- values ( $i, $j, $k ) \n" if $debug; &print_whole_prism if $debug == 2; print "==============\n" if $debug == 2; print "try ($i, $j, $k) \n" if $debug; if ( $morpheme_prism[ $i ][ $j ][ $k ] != 1 && $morpheme_prism[ $i ][ $j ][ $k ] != 2 ) { &mark_used( \@morpheme_prism, $i, $j, $k ); $i = ($i + 1) % $dimension_size[ 0 ]; $j = ($j + 1) % $dimension_size[ 1 ]; next; } $i = ($i + 1) % $dimension_size[ 0 ]; $k++; # double check this for off-by-one err... if ( $k >= $dimension_size[ 2 ] ) { $finished = 1; break; } } &print_whole_prism if $debug; sub print_whole_prism { my $m, $n, $o; for ( $o = 0; $o < $dimension_size [ 2 ]; $o++ ) { for ( $n = 0; $n < $dimension_size [ 1 ]; $n++ ) { for ( $m = 0; $m < $dimension_size [ 0 ]; $m++ ) { if ( $morpheme_prism[ $m ][ $n ][ $o ] == 1 ) { print "xxx "; } elsif ( $morpheme_prism[ $m ][ $n ][ $o ] == 2 ) { print $phoneme_sets[ 0 ][ $m ] . $phoneme_sets[ 1 ][ $n ] . $phoneme_sets[ 2 ][ $o ] . " "; } else { print "000 "; } } print "\n"; } print "\n"; } } sub mark_used { my ( $arr_ref, $p, $q, $r ) = @_; my @arr = @{ $arr_ref }; my $z; print "previous value: [" . $arr[ $z ][ $q ][ $r ] . "] " if $debug; print "marking " if $debug; for ( $z=0; $z< $dimension_size[ 0 ]; $z++ ) { $arr[ $z ][ $q ][ $r ] = 1; print "($z, $q, $r) " if $debug; } print "\n" if $debug; for ( $z=0; $z< $dimension_size[ 1 ]; $z++ ) { $arr[ $p ][ $z ][ $r ] = 1; print "($p, $z, $r) " if $debug; } print "\n" if $debug; for ( $z=0; $z< $dimension_size[ 2 ]; $z++ ) { $arr[ $p ][ $q ][ $z ] = 1; print "($p, $q, $z) " if $debug; } print "\n" if $debug; $arr[ $p ][ $q ][ $r ] = 2; print "** $p, $q, $r ** " if $debug; print $phoneme_sets[ 0 ][ $p ] . $phoneme_sets[ 1 ][ $q ] . $phoneme_sets[ 2 ][ $r ] . "\n"; }


Larry Sulky <larrysulky@...>
Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>