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Re: Can't stop agglunating, HELP!

From:Matt Pearson <mpearson@...>
Date:Thursday, June 17, 1999, 1:19
>I know the advice is probably going to be "relax and go with the >flow", but I really didn't want my artlang (Wenetaic) doing what it's >started to do. It's supposed to be believably Indo-European, and if >possible relatively old. All help to get me back on track would be >appreciated. > >The problem is: > >I can't stop adding (fairly regular and "almost" free-order) >agglunative suffixes to the grammar. Almost every grammatic >feature I want or need to add can be expressed in in this way
[snip] I know you've already solved your own problem, but I just thought I'd mention vowel gradation, a popular feature of Proto-Indo-European which has survived in places in many of the daughter languages - e.g. English "sing-sang-sung", PIE "*gen-, *gon-, *gn-, etc.. If you want to decrease the number of suffixes in Wenetaic without impoverishing the inflectional system, you could do some of your inflecting by changing the vowels of the roots. Also: The proper term is "agglutinative". John Cowan's "agulunulative" was an inside joke... (I only mention it since you seem to have taken John's correction seriously!) Matt. ------------------------------------ Matt Pearson UCLA Linguistics Department 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543 ------------------------------------