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Re: Re : Pronouns...

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Monday, June 28, 1999, 18:13 writes:
> >So, in other words, if your conlang doesn't inflect nouns, go ahead
>uninflected pronouns, but if it does, you'll need to inflect pronouns, >tho nothing's stopping you from making that inflection regular, as I >do! T=E1lkwa, for instance, means "I" in intransitive sentences, "me" i=
>transitive (ergative syntax), T=E1lkwaz means "to me", -z is dative.
The nouns are not inflected at all. They stay the same for person, there is no gender at all, and plurals are indicated by a particle that goes before the noun. They also dont inflect for number either. --- That looks like a precise definition of Demuan, as far as it goes. But Demuan also has a highly inflected verb system. Actually, strictly speaking, Demuan personal pronouns really mean 'this person', that person', 'yonder person', and are just one row in a whole slew of inflections on a regular grid (whose name escapes me). --- Fabian Rule One: Question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable, eff the ineffable, think the unthinkable, and screw the inscrutable.