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Re: noun compounds

From:Tristan Alexander McLeay <conlang@...>
Date:Sunday, March 5, 2006, 20:46
On 06/03/06, R A Brown <ray@...> wrote:

> As far as I am concerned, 'Apfel-Brombeer-Pastete' is a true compound. > It contrast with the English "apple and blackberry pie" where the > conjunction 'and' is need as it conjoining the epithet nouns 'apple' and > 'blackberry', both being epithets of the head noun 'pie'.
How about "orange mango juice" or "apple pear juice" in English? Do they count as true compounds? (This sort of grammar seems most readily doable with juices, and not jams or pies. Even still, it seems a little odd in the generic case, but it's what juice companies often do.) -- Tristan.


Joe <joe@...>