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Re: CHAT: American vs European educational standards

From:Ángel Serrano <aingelja@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 25, 2002, 10:15
> In Zompist's list of things that're typical of Americans, one point is "You can > probably not name the capitals or the leaders of all of the nations of > Europe". That's a pretty safe bet as far as Americans are concerned, but is > there any place where people are expected to know that? Among the pretty > well-educated people I meet in daily life, I'm most probably the only one who > could name the capital of Moldavia (it's Chisinau, or Russianized Kishinyov, > with variant transliterations), and even if we by Europe mean
merely EUistan, I'm afraid I'm only entirely typical in failing to recall the name of, say, Portugal's President.
> Andreas
Well, in Aingeljã you can already find the names of all the countries in Europe. For example, here you have some countries, with the capital city and the nationality: Spain = Spanna (Madrid) -> spannes, United Kingdom = Unat Reixi~ (Londõ) -> britanic, France = Franza (Paris) -> franzes, Germany = Ggermanna (Berli~) -> ggermannes, the Netherlands = ous Baixes Lãns (Asterdã) -> baixeslãnes, Italy = Italla (Roma) -> itallã, Greece = Greclã (Ati~nas) -> greclãnes, Norway = Norvegga (Osle) -> norvegges, Ireland = Irelã (Dubli~) -> irelãnes, Russia = Ruixja (Moscou) -> ruixe, and Moldavia is Moldowa (Cisineu) -> moldou. By the way, you can also find in my web the names of the Spanish Regions and the 52 main Spanish cities. And I'm also preparing the names of each of the 50 United States ("Unats Stats"). As a beginning, here you have: Waixinntõ, Californna, Florita, Nou Jorc, Nou Hameixair, Ohjo, Colorat, Nou Meixic, Teixas, etc. etc. The full list: very soon. Adio. Ángel Serrano. A Pagga doul'Aingeljã - La página del Angeliano - Angelian's Homepage --------------------------------- Yahoo! Messenger Nueva versión: Webcam, voz, y mucho más ¡Gratis!