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R: Vote! (or: Help!)

From:Mangiat <mangiat@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 10, 2001, 18:05
Basilius scripsit:

> I wish to support the recent vogue for longish posts on Conlang ;)
Aaargh! : )
> > Dialect: A B C D E > > 1 a peuhytu pouhijy poohetu pauhije vauhita > b ehatu ahajy ahotu ahaje eheta > c faaltu faaljy foaltu foalje foalta > d foupo tiupu fuipy teupu tiuvu > e heexxu joaxxy jaaxxy joixxe xaixka > f muniuwu mynaupy munauhu meniufe maneuva > g mounu miuny muinu meune miuna > h hoinu hoiny heenu hiine haina > i paifmousu poofmiusy poasmuisu poameuse voivmiusa > j fimiuxai timauxei fimauxoi timiuxoi timeuxee > k xounmiufee xeunmautii xoonmoofai xeunmiutee koonmeutii > l foleu fylou fyloo fulau fulau > 2 a eifniuni iefnauni iesnauni ieniuni iivneuni > b feinfiuni fiintauni siinfauni hiintiuni fiinteuni > c houffu juofty juuffu leufte loofta > d liifmo liufmu lief'y liefmu lief'u > 3 feneufefu fanoufaty sanoosafu hanauhate fenaufeta > 4 ielpe'afu aalpa'oty aalpamofu aalpahote ealpemota > 5 xaunsefu xounsaty xoonsafu xounsate xaunseta > 6 seiffefu siiftaty siffafu siftate siesteta > 7 sief'afu sauf'oty saafmofu saafhote seavmota > 8 femiunihefu famaunijoty samaunijafu hamiunijote femeunixeta > 9 fiis'afu ties'oty fiesmofu tieshote tiismota > 10 axelafu oxaloty moxalofu hosalote moselota > 100 mi'efu mi'aty mi'afu mi'ate mi'eta > 1000a ealfo aulfy aulfy oolfu eulfu > b haliulo halaulu holauly haliulu heleulu > c xeulhiuwu xealjoupy xeuljauhu xauljiufe xoolxeuva > d xynaihefu xeneijoty xenoijafu xynoijote xaneexeta > e xeulhu xealju xeulju xeulje xoolxa > f xainai xeinei xoinoi xoinoi xeenee
> So, my 2 questions (to those who've read so far) are: > > 1) Which of the five dialects (A-B-C-D-E) looks, at a glance, more
> (or less awkward) than others?
C and E. I like double vowels in the C dialect and diphthongs in the E dialect. Then comes A, then D, then B.
> 2) Which of the candidate forms for the numerals 1, 2, 1000 suit your
> dialect best?
for C: 1 g & h; 2 c; 1000 b; for E: 1 a& d; 2 b; 1000 b;
> Of course, you can mention more than one lang/etymon, for example: > 'B, C nice, E ugly, 1c best for B, 1e for C.' > > I'll be grateful for any suggestions - thanks in advance! >
Thank *you*. It's been funny : ) Luca