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Re: Work in progress - Phonology

From:nicole dobrowolski <fuzzybluemonkeys@...>
Date:Sunday, December 16, 2001, 14:26
--- Nik Taylor froge sionk:

> John-Emmanuel wrote:
<shnip phonology stuff that i'm not qualified to comment on>
> > (I put this in only because I think the apostrophes and capitals > look ugly > > :) > > What's wrong with apostrophe? :-) But I do agree about capitals. >
yes! down with capital letters! up with non-capitalization! no conlang i ever create/discover/trip over will ever have capital letters... i've never understood the purpose of capital letters(yeah yeah beginning of a sentence proper nouns blah blah blah...)... and i don't like the way they imply that some words are better than others... she says as she looks at the all capitalized 'holidays' she drew for a card she's making... ok so i don't think capital letter are 'ugly' per se... i'm just a non-conformist that's all ;)... <shnip dipthongs>
> > And though it goes without saying, my favourite genre is Fantasy, > and my > > favourite Fantasy author is Tolkien. > > Doesn't go without saying at all. :-) I rarely read fantasy, for > example. I prefer sci fi. >
shmerf...i read both fantasy and sci fi(my brief foray into regular fiction earlier this year went horribly awry)... my favorite fantasy authors are robert jordan (when is that bloody _winter's heart_ going to come out in paperback?)and 'margaret wiess and tracy hickman' (death gate cycle)... ..never read tolkien... but i'm working on it... ...nicole tehem thare tiota kidea owk nehkokotahekidea... yest sokraa avem jotan torale jotan fehai... hole sokraa orenso selia... ===== shmuli atae muhnkia-jiqek qelek nimmekel-Luddiga blå apor-flauschige blaue Affen-tódifai kówainG MANgKIWi-mêndos êzoros faffalos-khami zhaftami nuri xhan-jasánni júñi jakihéññi-Moncaithe gorma clúmhacha-Monhyey ngonul hweyaru ryehyumeru-muncaidhean gorma molach-jhachtaraadkimyo-monos peludos azules-pushistye sinie obe&#380;iany-zçínesfersaup sülíraup böfparaup-k&#281;dzierzawe niebieskie ma&#322;py-cirmos ke'k majmok-fuzzi serule mini-primate-Hlässöbonakkäa Jonäjë-pluizige blauwe aapjes-menomeno yanubi wayanoso-monkátí kosipi eyoh-macacos nebulosos azuis-pukhnasti blakytni mavpy-lådne blå aber __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of your unique holiday gifts! Buy at or bid at