Henrik Theiling wrote:
>...>Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...> writes:
>> The problem of Paris is that it is a myth for many people all over the
world. So
>...>> however bad restaurants, etc... can be with tourists, there will always
be new
>...>> tourists coming to visit the City of Love. Legends tend to stay whatever
>> happens.
>You mean I should not visit it? :-)
>I'm in Saarbrcken since some seven years, and that's just four hours
>away from Paris. But at the closest things you never have a look,
>right... Better visit New York instead. :-)>
Ah yes, by all means-- you can be insulted by waiters, cabbies; get nasty
looks from people if you're walking too slow on the sidewalk. Plus ça