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Re: CHAT: A pretty bad language joke :]

From:Robert Hailman <robert@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 11, 2001, 15:46
Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> > En réponse à Robert Hailman <robert@...>: > > > > > Wait a minute... *you* eat cheese, don't you? Maybe *your* the > > stereotypical Frenchman. No, wait, you don't act snooty enough towards > > Americans. ;-) > > > > <JOKE> > Well, I refrain myself when I'm on the list :))) . No, seriously, why should I > be snooty? It's not their fault if they were born in the wrong country :))) . > </JOKE>
Hee hee. It's true, too. It's funny and true. ;-) -- Robert