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Re: Hairo Redone

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Saturday, September 10, 2005, 0:12
Christian Thalmann wrote:

> > > >Note particularly how aspiration is marked on vowels >rather than consonants. :)) >
Aspiration means that there is a gap between the end of the consonnant and the beginning of the voicing, right? So, since consonnant phonemes can be mix voiced like /d_}t/ or /g_}k/, why couldn't it be the same for vowels like /a_0a/ or /e_0e/? Am I wrong? Would /k_ha/ sould exactly like /ka_0a/ (or would it be more like /k@_0a/?) or is there a way to differenciate these at least a little phoneticaly? - Max