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Signing off again in the PNW

From:Kenji Schwarz <lehelejui@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 11, 2001, 23:01
Hi, everyone -- it was good to drop back in, but I
don't think I want to stick around.  It's not the list
it used to be, back in the (popping my dentures) old
days, back in '97...

The volume is just ridiculous, and the contents just
don't make sorting through it worthwhile -- the
combination of intolerance and self-indulgence is
particularly unappealing. (Mapping your navel is a
beautiful thing, but I really don't feel comfortable
having it shared with me, on CONLANG.) Honestly, this
place reads like a Usenet group, without even
advertisements for internet pornography to raise the
tone a little.

If any of you are in the Pacific Northwest area at the
moment (Mark? Josh?) drop me a line, I'd still like to
get together to chat.  Vilani is (thankfully)
moribund, but my patafieldwork ambles on, and I'm
still discovering Manchus in Alaska, Siouxans in
Devonshire, and *real* "Gypsies" in Fujian. Peer
review would be useful at some point.  See you all


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Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>