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Re: Biblical Hebrew

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Monday, August 19, 2002, 17:52
On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 07:37:49 +0200 Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
> On 18 August, bnathyuw wrote: > > --- Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...> wrote: > > > " ... my bowels yearn for him..."
> > sorry to lower the tone, but this could really be > > misinterpreted . . . ? !
> Actually, I was deliberately trying to keep the translation > at a higher level. If I had translated the verse more closely, > I would have had to say "my bowels _move_ for him". > This usage is similar to the English for being emotionally > affected by something: "it moved me", "I was moved by > the story", "it was a very moving situation", etc. > ("it was a moving movie about movers"? ;-) ) > People can interpret it as they will, but that happens to be > the metaphor which is employed. > Dan Sulani
- If i remember this quote correctly (is it |habein yaqir li efrayim, im yeled sha`shu`im; ki midey daberi bo, zakhor ezkereinu `od. `al kein *hamu mei`ai lo*, rahheim arahhamenu, ne'um H'|?), i always thought that |hamu| is the same verb as |homa|, which i seem to remember learning is "the sound made by a dove". Is it the same as in _Hatiqva_: |nefesh yehudi *homiya*|? -Stephen (Steg), brother of the Left-Handed Lithuanian "[ke@l m@vasr= m@vasr= viejmr=]" (American Litvak for |qol mevaseir mevaseir ve'omeir|)


Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>