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Re: MNCL5 Phonology and Orthography

From:Eldin Raigmore <eldin_raigmore@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 23:20
---In, Jeffrey Jones <jsjonesmiami@...> wrote:
>The phonology and orthography page for MNCL5 is up and ready for >comments. It's at:
< > I like it.
>A preliminary morphology page is also up.
At < > ? Although an "initial" is mandatory, it could be "zero", right? That is, an initial block is (C)- ; and an initial morpheme is an initial block followed by zero or more medial blocks; and a word has to have an initial morpheme and a final morpheme; but it's possible the only one of these that has any pronounceable parts is the final morpheme, which consists of a final block, which may be -V or -VV or -VC. So some words may consist of a single vowel, only; this is thought of as having a zero intial morpheme and a -V final morpheme, right? The "aspect" tags might be usable on nouns to indicate whether it's a mass-or- measure noun or a count-noun. The voice applies only to non-verbs? But it can vary in meaning depending on whether or not the non-verb in question is a subject or an object? To me that will be confusing; what tells me which is subject and which is object? A mark on the verb? Or on the noun? In general I really like everything about the morphology section you have put in so far on that page. I worry only about the question I asked above and about how confusing the zero-morphemes (the ones filled in by "-") will be. < > looks very interesting, but I haven't had time to fully digest and analyze it yet, so I don't have any other remarks (kudos nor criticism) to make about it yet. However: Thanks! This was fun to read.
>I'm still working on numbers, compounds, syntax, etc. >Jeff
I look forward to it; I'll bet we all do.