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Re: Egotistical announcement of my presence on this list. Greet me.

From:Joel <ownthenight@...>
Date:Friday, May 16, 2003, 20:06
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Williams [mailto:feurieaux@YAHOO.COM]
Sent: May 14, 2003 6:23 PM
Subject: Egotistical announcement of my presence on this list. Greet me.

>Hi everybody! I joined the list a year or so ago, but couldn't send >because of >that wacky Yahoo archive bit, so I left and rejoined. As I was doing
that, I
>thought I'd introduce myself, especially now that I have some bits of
>to share.
Well, first of all, Welcome, I myself just recently rejoined after my computer had a little visit from the Grim Reaper ;) Also, please avoid posting in HTML. Not everyone has a reader that can support it.
>I'm 17 years old and live in Florida. American English is my L1, >standard German my L2 and I'm taking French classes at school. I'm also
>studying Japanese. Beautiful language. Love the writing system. My >hobbies include the great trio of >reading, writing and drawing, and >the strange stand-alone of distance running.
Well acomplished! I'm still working on my L2, French. It's always good to have a little physical activity in your work. It clears the brain and links the body to the mind.
>My conlanging at first was a relex of German, right down to having four
>cases and >identical verb conjugations. After that, I decided to make
the weirdest languages >possible, taking influences from Finnish, Japanese, German, English, French,
>Arabic, Sylvia Sotomayor's Kélen and numerous other sources.
This should be interesting...
>My current language project is an isolating language with free word >order and a >phonology reminiscent of Finnish with a set of emphatic consonants. The
>is as-of-yet unnamed. If you like, I'll post bits of it as I come up
with it. Repeat previous paragraph :)) - Joel heikkila.


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>