Tentative Babel Text in Karnuugaan
From: | Geoff Horswood <geoffhorswood@...> |
Date: | Saturday, July 14, 2007, 13:31 |
Well, here it is! This will give some indication of
how difficult Karnuugaan is to work in.
Please understand that some of this is still tentative
and I may well rework the whole thing.
The apostrophe is used in Romanised Karnuugaan to
separate modifiers from root strings. In the
Karnuugaan script (a left-to-right logographic
arrangement), modifiers are half-size glyphs placed
above or below the string of root glyphs.
And without further ado, here is the text:
y'vavuul'qir saнpeh'mv'tt
y'vaavul'qir saн.peh'mv'tt
NOM'Babel'left_hand(1) sky.house'ASSOC'ANC
1. tt kargkun'gq dtengaan'gqmj
1. tt kar.gkun'gq dten.gaan'gq'mj
1. ANC blood.person'all one.voice'all'PRS
2. tt riihgko'mzh gkun'gq'mv yixuun'qml y'iinaar'qml
2. tt riih.gko'mzh gkun'gq'mv yix.uun'qml
y'iinaar'qml kar.peh'mzh'gq
2. ANC away_from.sun(2)'motion person'all'ASSC
table.ground'towards NOM'Shinar'towards
3. gkungaan'mzh qmlriih'mv: <uunzer'kkiн
tdmnkaan'mv'gq> zer'riih uunzer'qml'ğaн
kaandten'riih tdmnexuun'qml'naa
3. gkun.gaan'mzh qml.riih'mv: <uun.zer'kkiн
tdmn.qir'mv'gq> zer'riih uun.zer'qml'ğaн
kaan.dten'riih tdmn.ex.uun'qml'naa
3. person.voice'motion toward.away_from'ASSC:
<ground.stone'make fire.right_hand(3)'ASSC'all>
stone'away_from ground.stone'towards'walk
4. gkungaan'mzh'na: <pehpeh'kkiн'qml
rtaнpeh'kkiн saнakii'qml'mv
ftiinuuhmy'kkiн qirex'mzh'kqeğ
4. gkun.gaan'mzh'na: <peh.peh'kkiн'qml
rtaн.peh'kkiн saн.akii'qml'mv
ftii.nuu.hmy'kkiн qir.ex'mzh'kqeğ
4. person.voice'motion'time: <house.house'make'towards
up.house'make air.star'towards'ASSC
left_hand(1).water'negation ground.towards'all'ASSC
5. pii'mzh my'gkodten'mj'h'na tuuv'mzh pehpeh'qml
rtaнpeh'qml'mv gkunkkiн'mj'na
5. pii'mzh my'gko.dten.mj'h'na tuuv'mzh peh.peh'qml
rtaн.peh'qml'mv gkun.kkiн'mj'na
5. down'motion NOM'sun.one'PRS'ADD'time eye'motion
house.house'towards up.house'towards'ASSOC
6. my'gkodten'mj'h gaan'mv: <dtengkun'qon
dtengaan'mv'qon gkokkiн'mzh gkun'gq'mv
iirtuuv'qml'gq gkun'mzh'mv
6. my'gko.dten'mj'h gaan'mv: <dten.gkun'qon
dten.gaan'mv'qon gko.kkiн'mzh gkun'gq'mv
iir.tuuv'qml'gq gkun'mzh'mv
6. NOM'sun.one'PRS'ADD voice'ASSC:
<one.person'uncertain(4) one.voice'ASSOC'uncertain
sun.make'motion person'motion'ASSOC
7. kkiнkqeğgaan'qll'ftii
ktmlkkiн'qll'kqeğ ftii'mv>
7. kkiн.kqeğ.gaan'qll'ftii
ktml.kkiн'qll'kqeğ ftii'mv>
7. make.negation.language'towards'purpose
ear.make'towards'negation purpose'ASSC>
8. qirex'mzh uunqml'gq'mv gkun my'gkodten'mj'h,
pehpeh'kkiн'mzh nakkiн'kqeğ
8. qir.ex'mzh uun.qml'gq'mv gkun my'gko.dten'mj'h,
peh.peh'kkiн'mzh na.kkiн'kqeğ
8. left_hand.water'motion ground.towards'all'ASSC
person NOM'sun.one'PRS'ADD, house.house'make'motion
9. sapaa hmy'zh my'vaavuul'na, my'gkodten'mj'h ftii'mv
kkiнkqeğgaan'mzh'na gkun'gq'mv: gko'riih
my'gkodten'mj'h qirex'mzh uunqml'gq'mv
9. sapaa hmy'mzh my'vaavuul'na, my'gko.dten'mj'h
ftii'mv kkiн.kqeğ.gaan'mzh'na gkun'gq'mv:
gko'riih my'gko.dten'mj'h qir.ex'mzh uun.qml'gq'mv
9. reason name'motion NOM'Babel'time,
NOM'sun.one'PRS'ADD purpose'ASSC
make.negation.voice'motion'time person'all'ASSC:
sun'away_from NOM'sun.one'PRS'ADD
left_hand.water'motion ground.towards'all'ASSC
NOM Nomenclative
ANC "ancient". When used on its own at the beginning
of a sentence, it couches the whole sentence into
historical or legendary past tense. When used as a
modifier, it has other effects, and can be used to
denote, among other things, nuclear energy, Karnuugkun
long-term memory (a bizarre racial trait: some of them
can pass on their memories at death in a chain
stretching back hundreds of years) and other things.
PRS "now", "present", "here"
ASSC Associative. Associates the preceding two
root/modifier strings together into one lexical unit
(eg. like a noun or verb phrase).
ADD Additive particle. This modifier is used to
lexicalise preceding modifiers as part of the word
they are attached to.
(1) Left Hand: Karnuugkun have 6 fingers on their left
hand and 7 fingers on the right. The Left Hand root
is used with the numerical modifier as the number 6,
and as a root or particle to mean "left hand",
"unstable", "to release", and other similar concepts
(2) Sun: The "sun" root also has the meanings of
"east" (for planetary directions), "origin",
(3) Right Hand: The 7-fingered right hand root can be
used similarly to the "left hand" root as everything
from "right hand" to "7" to "stable, unshakeable", "to
hold", "to keep" and so on.
(4) Uncertain: Introduces an element of doubt or
uncertainty. Used for "if" constructions, also
questions and doubtful statements.
One by one the penguins are stealing my sanity
-Graffitum spotted on a bridge in England
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