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Re: Introduction, and a Couple Questions

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 16:18
>Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...> wrote:
>You mean like <>?
Thank you. That's what I had in mind, but I wasn't sure how to connect it to a preceding letter from the base line. I'm afraid that, with my miserable handwriting, it would never look so neat. Nevertheless, it is what I shall use in Senjecas to distinguish <z> from <ezh>.
>...but what's the deal with the x which looks like an æ?
You got me! In my cursory glance at the chart that's what I thought it was. I was looking for the <z> so didn't pay it any attention until you mentioned it. IMO it's ugly. I prefer the little curvy thing (sorry for the technical language) with a slash drawn through after the pen is lifted from the paper. Charlie