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Re: USAGE: Circumfixes

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Saturday, May 8, 2004, 21:34
Mark J. Reed wrote:

> How common are these in natlangs generally? I know French has > several..... > But I can't think of any examples offhand in other agglutinating > languages. >
Malay/Indonesian has some that can be so analyzed-- ke---an forms abstracts nouns per---an forms location nouns peN---an forms action nouns It's hard to find a base that can have all three (or more) derivatives, and the meanings aren't always consistent... tanggung 'guaranteed; responsible' tanggungan 'responsibility; guarantee, bail, security' pertanggungan 'responsibility; insurance' penanggung 'o.who guarantees' penanggunan 'trials and tribulations' ??? panjang 'long' panjangan 'extension, length' kepanjangan 'length, duration' perpanjangan 'extension, prolongation' and assorted others. However, all but ke--an can be viewed as per-/ peN- derivatives of Base+an (usually abstracts) forms, since per- and peN-Base can occur without the -an suffix. Ke- no longer occurs freely
> Contemplating using them in a conlang, but it's supposed to be a > naturalistic conlang, and wondering about realism. > > -Mark >