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Re: USAGE: Schwa and syllabification

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Friday, March 12, 2004, 17:26
Mark J. Reed wrote:

>On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 11:50:13AM -0500, Trebor Jung wrote: > > >>Merhaba! >> >>My spelling textbook claims that the second syllable of 'little' has a schwa >>in it; my immediate reaction was "What? Isn't it [lItl=]?". So now I'm >>wondering, how do you tell the difference between schwa and syllabification? >>(So for example is 'mechanic' [m@k&nIk] or [mk=&nIk]??) >> >> > >There's no such thing as a syllabic 'k' - only continuous sounds can be >syllabic, which rules out stops. You have to have some sort of >sonorant between the m and the k. Since m is itself a sonorant, you >can extend it; then you get [m='k&nIk], which sounds like "mmm-kanik". >But there's no way to extend the k into a syllable. > >
[k=] is impossible, yes, but what about [g=]. I can pronounce that with no difficulty whatsoever.


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>