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Re: New Script

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Saturday, November 17, 2001, 6:42
>Beautiful! Coincidentally, the SA is almost the same in Kash (actually >your >TA is Kash S). >What is the purpose of the "full" AY, EY, AW characters (as opposed to the >subscript signs)? I forget Saalangal phonology-- are initial or isolated >AY, EY etc. syllables possible?
The full ay, ey, aw, oy characters are for things like initial diphthongs, such as if we had the word: aymang - ay - mang. Isolated dipthongs are possible, i cant think of any words that are isolate diphthongs at the moment (read: i'm revising the language, again :)). I had over the course of several days refined the diacritics and glyps down to something simple, yet somewhat complex in form. I like the end result. If I like it enough...maybe i'll get a tattoo that includes it :) (which means i'll have to make sure i like all of the glyphs as they are). They aren't used that often. The glyphs are a saalangal innovation (using the "initial" vowel in the diphthong, plus the diacritic for the diphthong) See you, Space Cowboy...