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Re: New Script

From:iisem :P <iisem@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 3, 1999, 22:03
In a message dated 11/3/99 1:55:47 PM Pacific Standard Time,=20
Barry_Garcia@MONTEREY.EDU writes:

>=20 > Thank you. I think my favorite scripts are the Indian and SEAsian scripts > (all SEAsian scripts derive from an extinct (IIRC) script from South Indi=
> called "Pallava", I believe). Anyway, you probably will get to see a > sentence in it soon. Also, you will probably see a font of it sometime in > the future (Paul Bennett has offered to convert it into a font for me > (thank you so very much Paul!) ). > =20
Yae! i can't wait! prsonally, i was thinking of a version of the Siddham= =20 or Tibettan for ilh=F2ret... oel oushean! iisem To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there is no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other. -Jack Handey