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Re: New Script

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Saturday, August 28, 1999, 0:14 writes:
>That is neat... especially nice looking for something made with a paint >program. The sample phrases you use make me feel like I'm reading >something >upside down :) I also have trouble coming up with cursive scripts, though >I'd really like a nice Arabic-type script with connected letters and >everything. Hmm...
Thanks. It took me about an hour to do it, mostly because i had to copy, cut, paste, etc. A lot of it re-used parts from letters i had done earlier. I would like to make it a font but unfortunately i cannot afford the money to buy a really good font program (I had the demo of Scanfont but it only allows you to make five fonts before you have to buy it). I actually experimented with an Arabic script on paper once but it started looking just like Arabic, and a little too similar in letter forms. I also was interested in Aramaic for a while (my church's bulletin actually has the times for the Chaldean mass written in the Aramaic script). ____________________________________________________________________ "Raw to the floor like reservoir dogs" - A.V. Helden ____________________________________________________________________