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Re: T-Shirt yet again

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 10, 2000, 13:29
En réponse à Sally Caves <scaves@...>:

> Vyko hal niffrona! >
Welcome back Sally! (sorry for the late reply, even if I resubscribed, I'm still busy with real life :( )
> > I think I want to do the Ethnologue thing as well. Make > up a few whacky facts about Teonaht. >
What is the Ethnologue thing?
> > How ARE you all? >
I'm fine thanks. I'm currently working on two new projects. In fact, those are not really new, I ressucitated them when, during a day of hard cleaning and exploring my papers, I found some notes about languages I had invented a few years ago (when I was around 15 I think). One of them is a Romance language, which looks a little like a langue d'oc (I'll send a post about it later this week I think). The other is quite strange: I found papers full of my writing, describing a really nice language (in my opinion :) ) with really interesting features (it was strange to find it with papers so old, my linguistic knowledge was quite small at that time), but I had absolutely no memory of having ever worked on that language (and I still don't have!). So it was as if I was discovering the grammar of a totally unknown language, with the disturbing fact that it's my writing without a doubt! This was so strange that I decided to ressucitate the language immediately, and as it seemed to have no name (at least I couldn't find any on the notes), I decided to call it O, to reflect the state of my memory about it :)) . I'm still wondering how I cannot remember when I invented this language the first time...
> Sally >