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Re: T-Shirt yet again

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Thursday, October 5, 2000, 6:42
Vyko hal niffrona!

Well, I'm back for a short time.  Did someone mention
the word "t-shirt"?  Actually, I got a host of off-line
messages.  Am I too late?

I've been away, working hard, teaching hard, writing
hard.  Many thanks to all of you who wrote me privately.

I think I want to do the Ethnologue thing as well.  Make
up a few whacky facts about Teonaht.

In the meantime, though, "Invent a language" has given me
a powerfully hard time.  I've completely chucked the whole
definite article prefix and indefinite article suffix.  It
sucked.  It didn't work.  It's most obvious problem was that,
with all the affixual "mirroring" that Teonaht comes up with,
it produced ambiguities.  To make le hohza mean "the wind"
and hohza-le "a wind" was initially clever, but I had to
invent ways to keep the suffix ("Law of detachment?") from
looking like a definite article PREFIX to the following word.
In T, often an SOV language, you often get nouns juxtaposed,
and it was a mess.  So now I have "uoa" "uo," and "uol" for
agentive, participatory, and all other cases.  Nice prefixes,
just like the definite article.  I am going to have to revise
all my webpages, which need revising anyway.

So... do I scan in an image in the Teonaht Renuon and send it
to Nicole?

How ARE you all?


Nik wrote:
> Dievas dave dantis; Dievas duos duonos > God gave teeth; God will give bread - Lithuanian proverb
The Teonim write: Yrlo dytamen elo vergo. Yrlo tyr eslo vergo man. God teeth did he give. God also will he give bread. -- ========================================================== "The gods have retractible claws." from _The Gospel of Bastet_ ============================================================