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Re: T-Shirt yet again

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Friday, October 6, 2000, 6:04
Herman Miller wrote:

> Welcome back!
> >How ARE you all? > > I'm fine. I've been living in Michigan for the past two months, and the > weather here is great! I never did get used to the hot summer weather in > Texas. I was busy for a while with job searching, looking for a place to > live, preparing for the move, moving, unpacking, and all that, but I'm > settled in now and I've been spending more time on music and conlangs.
That's great! I'd like to hear more compositions. Do you see any "arka" in Michigan? I imagine you saw more "bekazi" in Texas. <G> (maybe these aren't native to Texas...whaddo I know?)
> Tirehlat has been undergoing a number of changes (as usual) and the latest > version is at . I also have a > new lang, Tilya (, which is a > sort of logical language, but a less rigorous, more naturalistic one than > Lojban.
Yep... visited... can you tell? How do you make plurals? My visit to Austin last year was a trip to see a coupla you conlangers, including Herman. It was pleasantly warm in November. It is vavava cold here. (Sound of Teonaht teeth chattering: vavava, yry froho!) Sally ========================================================== "The gods have retractible claws." from _The Gospel of Bastet_ ============================================================