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Re: Californian vowels [was Re: Liking German]

From:Tristan Alexander McLeay <zsau@...>
Date:Saturday, September 29, 2001, 4:37
At 12.19 p.m. 29.09.2001, you wrote:
><<...and "because" as /b@kUz/. I cringe every time he says either of >them :) >> > ><< Well, where's he from? That pronunciation of "because" is actually >widespread in Britain. >> > >My dear old acquaintance is from ... Australia, speaks relatively >normally except for those two words :P Not one of those awful >stereotypically thick accents, mind you. I think most of the people I >know pronounce because /b@'kOz/ or /b@'ki-z/ unstressed.
I think you'll find it's /b@"kQz/, or /b@kQz/ or /b@k@z/ unstressed, unless Australia does have those regional differences that eveyone says we don't have. Tristan, hoping we do and that they become more and more different