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Re: Californian vowels [was Re: Liking German]

From:Tristan Alexander McLeay <zsau@...>
Date:Sunday, September 30, 2001, 10:33
>That's why my brother says that it's impossible to sing "We're Off To See >The Wizard" from _The Wizard of Oz_ in a Brooklyn accent: > >"[b@kOz] [b@kOz] [b@kOz] [b@kOz] [b@kO::::@z] > [b@kOz] of the wonderful things he [dVz]..." > >Just doesn't rhyme right :-) . > >Judy Garland says something like [bikVz], i think.
You know, I never realised they were supposed to rhyme (with my /b@"kQz/). I knew *something* should've been there, but I never thought it could be a rhyme. Do remember that the last time I saw _The Wizard of Oz_ was when as far as I was concerned, everyone spoke exactly the same way as I did, and any difference was overridden by the first rule. Tristan