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Re: Q & X

From:Jim Hopkins <espero9@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 10, 2001, 1:24
Gidánit subtovó Tero-Vilkesaloése dafaryáru tá ebónay Drúna.  That is "Great
greetings I give to Tero Vilkesalo from the people of Drun."

Kháy, marfanór, tá Suomíit sholóva drálit, banadjínit, véy chípit zhanyávu.
(Yes, friend, I found the Finnish language good, beautiful, and interesting).

Ikanyáru ú tá sulukú tá Suomíit shóla tá sulukovó tá Drúnit shóla avonyáren
kiinóva vataranyáru.  (I am sure that the cases of the Finnish language
influenced the cases of the Druni language which I created).

Múku shtá dralkadím mógit ritarenése bashése onyáta! (Once again a welcome to
you to our list.)

Drúnizhe tá ketaketerinú "x" véy "q" rá-iguayíren.  (In Druni the letters "x"
and "q" are not used).  Tá Druntanú savútit databóva lafiyáren rúzay kiinízhe
shunyáre romtéynit ferím lapanyára.  (The Druni have their own alphabet but
as you see a system of romanization exists).

Jim H
Tá Druntán