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From:Rob Nierse <rnierse@...>
Date:Thursday, April 27, 2000, 7:29
There is a book that has an article that describes the split-ergativity
in Yucatec very well (the article is actually about the anti-passive
construction). It is in a book on Mayan writing from (I think- Linda Schele).
I have the book at home, but it is stowed far away and my wife doesn't
allow me to mess up the attic to find it (we are expecting a baby within
10 weeks from now and everything in the house has to be tidy in the
extreme ;-( )
But I shall have a look at other books and let you know asap.

>>> Matt Pearson <jmpearson@...> 04/26 6:23 >>> >I don't know if VOS automatically means that it is ergative. >Yucatec Maya is split ergative. It is nominative in imperfect and >ergative in perfect (or the other way round, I start to doubt now) aspect.
Where does your information on Yucatec Mayan come from? I'm very interested in split-ergative languages where the split follows aspect lines. Do you have a reference? As for what the correlation is: If Yucatec Mayan is like other split-ergative languages, it should be nominative in the imperfect and ergative in the perfect. I would be *very* surprised and interested if the split went the other way (I'm toying with a theory which predicts that the split has to go this way). Matt.